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  • Victoria

Foodaholic's Anonymous - Week 5

Updated: May 19, 2020

Hello fellow foodies! My name is Victoria and I am a foodaholic working towards being a thinner addict.

Before I get into talking about my week and my weigh in today, I just want to give everyone a BIG VIRTUAL HUG and tell you all THANK YOU for reaching out to me one way or another to tell with me how much you have enjoyed my shares. I have also loved hearing about your struggles and victories as well.

I want to shout out to a special friend that reached out to me - Beth. Beth is a foodaholic and Thin's In goer like myself and others of us out there. Beth not only shared with me her story and how she is working hard to form good habits like me but Beth asked if I would be her "Commitment Buddy".

Now - I did not know what a Commitment Buddy so she told me. A Commitment Buddy is someone who you commit to. (Someone who is not your lecturer.) Another person out there working on weight loss or working on improving themselves that you can touch base with. Another person who - when you're ready to throw in the towel - you can reach out to and they will remind you why you are doing Program. And Vice Versa. A Commitment Buddy is another level of support to make sure you, me, anyone, stays on the right path.

I thought this was amazing because we may not all be in the same boat and we may not all be working towards the same goals with the same boundaries but we all will, at some point or another, get frustrated and want to quit. Of course I said "yes" and now I encourage each and every one of you out there to find your Commitment Buddy!

For a quick run down of my week - I felt like I had walked more than ever this week. The only day that I didn't walk at least two miles was on Thursday when it rained. I'm starting to think my dog is losing weight too! I also only had one glass of wine this week. No! The glass was not a bottle glass but just a normal 6 oz pour. I know - I can't believe I only had one glass either.

The fortunately unfortunate truth of the week is - I lost one pound.

It's great and always an accomplishment when you lose but I wish it was more. It just highlights the truth in the water - you must drink at least 48 ounces of actual water a day! PSA: Soda, vodka, beer, wine, and juice do not (sadly) count as water.

Because I can't leave you all with a negative vibe - I am down to a smaller size pair of jeans! Yay for smaller victories!

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